
Thursday, June 11, 2020

HTML Requirements. The main discussion of HTML

Video link : Click here.

In this tutorial, I will  teach you the HTML. Before watch the video you must read the paragraph given below.
The basic and important discussion of "HTML".

In this post I am going to talk about the HTML. If you want to be an web developer then you must read.

1. What is HTML?

Html is the short form of Hyper Text Markup Language. It is the basic thing of webpage. If you want to be an web developer or designer first you have to understand the the HTML language greatly.
In 1989, Berners-Lee wrote a memo proposing an Internet-based hypertext system.Berners-Lee specified HTML and wrote the browser and server software in late 1990.

At this time all of us uses mobile phone,tab and computer. We use internet. when we go to the browser and search for google or facebook and any kind of website the website provides their index page. Lets come to the topic, how they made the page? how they decorate this front page? We all khnow why one decorate their content but now we want to know how they decorate and build up their webpage.
How the HTML codes are written?

2. How the HTML works? 

when we are build a building, we need to build a structure first. And HTML is the structure of an webpage. We build this structure by writing the codes of HTML. Yes, its a coding language. But don't worry, Its too easy to learn.

The HTML has main two parts. First the Head part and second the Body part. The main thing is called tag. All the elements are made by tag.And here is two type of tags in HTML. First, the double tag that consists two main parts those are beginning tag and the closing tag. And other is the single tag which consists the begining and closing funciton in one.

When we write something we need some basic necessaries. Those are page,pen,heading,paragraph,developer,modulator,terminator and many kind of things. In HTML we need Notepad++ or any code editor to write those codes. Then we need the Tags.

3. What are the HTML tags?

The doctype tag which indicates  version of HTML. And it is written as "<!doctype html>". Its the leatest version of HTML. Then comes the Head tag, In this tag head part of HTML is held. It is written as <head> and </head>.

The heading tag is a double tag. It starts with "<h1>" and end with "</h1>.
And the single tag is like "</br>".
Here is 6 type of heading- h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6- from bigger to smallest.

The paragraph tag. Which starts with "<p>" and end with </p>.

After then comes the body tag. In this tag the all structures are written. It is written as "<body>" and </body>.

And the most important tag is break tag. It is written as <br> or </br>. It's the single tag of HTML. This tag works like the "enter key" of keyboard as line breaker. But its not only the single tag. Basically The spece in line are given by using "&nbsp;".

4. Are you the beginer?

If you are the beginner, you need to learn Table tag. Its starts with <table> and ends with </table>. inside this table tag we have to made the structure of table. In a table we can see the colums and the rows. The  rows are starts with <tr> and ends with </tr>. Inside this <tr> tag the table colum or <td> are held.

5. The HTML codes are:

<!DOCTYPE> : The document type. All HTML documents must start with a <!DOCTYPE> declaration.

            The declaration is not an HTML tag. It is an "information" to the browser about what document type to expect.

            In HTML 5, the declaration is <!DOCTYPE>.
<html>     : An HTML document
<head>    : Contains metadata/information for the document.
<title> : A title for the document
<body> : The document's body
<h1> to <h6> : HTML headings
<p> : A paragraph
<br> Inserts a single line break
<hr> :  A thematic change in the content.


<address> : A Cinformation for the author/owner of a document/article.

<b> : The Bold text.
<big> Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines big text.

<center>  : Not supported in HTML5. Use CSS instead.
Defines centered text
<del> : Defines text that has been deleted from a document.
<i> : Defines a part of text in an alternate voice or mood.
<sub> : Defines subscripted text.
<sup> : Defines superscripted text.

If you really want to learn the HTML then you have to follow my site regularly. Because it's a continuous process. The basic thing of web development is HTML then comes the CSS that is necessary because using CSS we have to decorate the structure. And its also easy. The HTML and CSS are related with each other.

Thank you to read this post. To khow more you have to watch our tutorilas. I am Akash from webjogot always here to help you about web development.

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